Saturday, April 10, 2010

Winterlude snow sculpting in Ottawa

“ Saskatchewan Team goes to National Competition in Ottawa for Winterlude 2010”
Feb. 01, 2010 Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert

The National Capitol Commission has invited a three-person team from Saskatchewan to compete in their National Snow Sculpting Contest in Ottawa/Gateneau

Location: Jacques-Cartier Park, Gatineau Québec

Time: Feb 9, 2010 to Feb.13, 2010

This year’s theme is “Winter Fun”, for Winterlude Canada’s national winter festival. With that in mind team leader Jack Jensen of Prince Albert has selected a snow-carving project entitled “Toboggan Hill”. The Saskatchewan team is comprised of three members, Jack Jensen who is from Prince Albert, specializes in paper/bronze and snow sculptor, Darren Gowan, a nationally recognized First Nations stone and antler carver from Saskatoon and Bob Friedrich from Regina who has acted as the logistics coordinator.

The National Capital Commission invites teams from each of the provinces and territories to compete for a number of prizes. The participants start with a block of snow 16 feet high, 12 feet wide and 12 feet long. They are regulated by a series of strict rules and must complete their work in order to qualify for the prizes.
This team’s strength lies in the fact that both Jack and Darren have participated in similar though smaller events before. Jack intends to make the sculptor more impressive by increasing the height by the allowable 2 feet making it eighteen feet high. The team will leave from Regina, and Saskatoon this coming Monday and will be in Ottawa for the duration of the week, returning Sunday.

Here are some additional details as outlined in the National Capital Commission’s website on Winterlude

“With the theme of “Winter Fun,” teams representing Canada’s provinces and territories will demonstrate their artistic talent and creative expertise. The competition takes place from Tuesday, February 9, to Saturday, February 13, 9 am to 9 pm daily, with the exception of Saturday, when carvers will finish sculpting at noon. (For safety reasons, there will be no access to the sculpture site.)

The snow sculptures will be on display from Saturday, February 13, at 1 pm until Sunday, February 21, at 6 pm” see website

Team leader Jack Jensen is quoted as saying, “that the competition is the most rigorous he has ever entered”, to that end he has been training hard both physically and mentally for this event. Darren Gowan has a special reason for entering this event. Ottawa was home to Darren for a good many years, and he looks forward to returning to the adopted home of his childhood. The team feels confident and looks forward to competing in this national effort.

Bob Friedrich of Regina will supply part of the raw labor to make Toboggan Hill the sculpture's name successful.

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